Today's post is about flowers, food, gardening and exploring new things in life. For as long as I can remember, my parents' yard has been filled with plants, flowers, vegetables and fruit. My childhood dog would even go out and pick raspberries off the bush and eat them or chew on a peach that had fallen off the tree onto the grass. Many of our friends also had gardens or farms where they grew their own vegetables. So gardening came naturally and when I moved into my own home, I started a little perennial garden. The problem with the yard at my first home was that it was heavily shaded and the only thing I could grow successfully were hostas. Now, I'm in my second home where there is lots of sun. Hooray! I've planted more perennials and each year I continue to expand my garden. This year I'm planning on adding herbs, veggies and an "official" cutting garden filled with annuals and for the first time I'm starting from seed. In the past, I've just bought starter plants. I'm excited to report that the my seedlings have germinated! Along with the fun adventure of seeds, my husband and I have decided to change over to a more plant based diet, so the herb and veggie garden should come in handy this summer. I'm trying to do my part for the earth through flowers and food. Every little bit helps, right? I'm learning an entire new way of cooking and now I feel good about what I'm eating. Have you tried anything new this year? Go on, grow and explore. There are fresh, amazing experiences waiting out there for you.
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